I’ve been a creative and a documentarian my whole life, but it wasn't until 2019 when I realized I could turn my passion for photography into a business and I haven't looked back since. It’s the most fulfilling career I could ever imagine and not a day goes by that I don’t feel like the luckiest person in the world to document love for a living.
I tend to romanticize the little things. I save all of my ticket stubs, polaroids, love notes, receipts and any other tchotchke I've assigned meaning to on shelves and in little boxes scattered all around my house. I constantly have a perfectly curated playlist going, serving as background music to all of the big and mundane moments throughout my day. I like to look at the ocean once a day, go for drives with the windows down and music blasting, scrapbook, and wander around thrift shops and wonder about the past lives of all the items sitting on the shelves. I’m a libra through and through, an avid museum go-er, a pasta connoisseur, a former ballerina, a Masshole, a mother.
I draw inspiration from so many places - cities and their people (New York City and Rome in particular), my favorite books (My Brilliant Friend, East of Eden, The Secret History), movies (Before Sunrise, Lady Bird, Moonrise Kingdom), art, old cards and letters, European culture and architecture.
I live in Salem, MA with my husband and our daughter. They inspire me daily to be my best, most honest and empathetic self and to appreciate all of life’s little treasures. I like to think those qualities translate over to my work, but I’ll let you be the judge of that :)